Our partners

join us and add your name or logo here!

Beckett Voyager: Jeanne Sexton, Octavio Solis

Beckett Afficianado: Monica Horan Rosenthal

Beckett Supporter: Barbara Allen, Elizabeth Choy & James Lobsenz, Kathryn Woods

Beckett Admirer: Eileen and Miroslav Bobek, Elizabeth Drew, Gina Hernandez, Rae & Bill Saltzstein, Marcelina Willis, Anonymous (1)

Beckett Fan: Carlyle Brown, Sheila Burns, Lisa Sclan Cooper, Amy Cuddy, David Davis, Elizabeth Dennehy, Javier Dubon, Dave Edwards, Dee Anne Everson, Carole Florian, Dagoberto Gilb, Henry Godinez, Tracy & Brian Haughton, Beth Henley, Polly Hodges, Wendy Ishii, Kerry Kencairn, Lisa Loomer, Nancy Mancias, Emily Mann, Amy Massingale, Ellen McLaughlin, Penny Metropulos, Terry Miller, Christopher Moore & Bill Rauch, Norma Moore, Lisa Moresco & Gerry Agosta, Tom Nussbaum, Patricia Okunewitch, Paige Rogers, Sarah Ruhl, Chela Sánchez & Kyle Haden, Stephen Seybold, Dave Summer & Lisa Schiff, Jenni Stewart, Lisa Taylor, Paula Tomei & David Emmes, Marie Cecile Van De Lavoir, Pamela Walker, Paul Walsh, Jenna Welch, Craig Willis, Sam Woodhouse, Diane Yu, Alex Zaremska & John Rose, Anonymous (8)

Additional Support: Ellen Bass, Sara Cardona, Fred Curchak, Ali Duerr, Liz Frankel, Jacqueline Goldfinger, Phillip & Diane Gotanda, Laura Hays, Tim and René Hedgepeth-Barilleaux, Marya Mazor, Douglas Post, Kim Uchiyama, Mark Valdez, Melissa Weaver, Anonymous (3)

Sponsorship levels

$100 - Beckett Fan: Thanks on social media, optional website acknowledgment

$500 - Beckett Admirer: Two VIP tickets to your choice of performances, invitation to pre-show reception with Beckett scholar Katherine Weiss, optional website acknowledgment

$1,000 - Beckett Supporter: Your name or business logo in the program, two VIP tickets to your choice of performances, invitation to pre-show reception with Beckett scholar Katherine Weiss, optional website acknowledgment

$3,000 - Beckett Aficionado: A commemorative poster signed by the cast, your name or business logo in the program, two VIP tickets to your choice of performances, invitation to pre-show reception with Beckett scholar Katherine Weiss, optional website acknowledgment

$5,000 - Beckett Voyager: Meet the artists, a commemorative poster signed by the cast, your name or business logo in the program, two VIP tickets to your choice of performances, invitation to pre-show reception with Beckett scholar Katherine Weiss, optional website acknowledgment

$15,000 - Beckett Wizard: Sponsor one of the six pieces! Have your name or business on the commemorative poster, meet the artists, a commemorative poster signed by the cast, your name or business logo in the program, two VIP tickets to your choice of performances, invitation to pre-show reception with Beckett scholar Katherine Weiss, optional website acknowledgment

“Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order.” -Samuel Beckett

Special Thanks

Tim Bond and the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Beat Farm Co-op, Beckett Society, SignsNow Medford, Isaac Straley and Jeanne Sexton (for their support of their respective partners), Vanessa Finney at Jefferson Public Radio, John Wing at Channel 5 Medford